SLA photosensitive resin
Laser light curing (also known as "photosensitive resin selective curing"), is a process of three-dimensional engraving (Stereolithography) principle, referred to as SLA, is the earliest emergence of a rapid prototyping technology.

    1. Introduction:

Laser light curing (also known as "photosensitive resin selective curing"), is a process of three-dimensional engraving (Stereolithography) principle, referred to as SLA, is the earliest emergence of a rapid prototyping technology.

2. Laser light curing process

The resin tank is filled with liquid photosensitive resin, which will quickly cure under UV laser beam irradiation. At the beginning of the molding process, the lifting table is at the height of a section layer thickness under the liquid level. After focusing the laser beam, under the control of the computer, according to the requirements of the section profile, scanning along the liquid level, so that the resin in the scanned area is cured, so as to get the resin sheet of the section profile. The table then lowers the height of one sheet, and the cured sheet is covered with a new layer of liquid resin for a second laser scanning curing, with the new layer firmly bonded to the previous layer, and so on until the entire product is formed. Finally, the lifting platform lifts the liquid resin surface, and the workpiece is removed for cleaning, removal of support, secondary curing and surface polishing.

SLA photosensitive resin 微信图片_20220819114714

Printing material: white photosensitive resin, transparent photosensitive resin;


Production advantages: fine surface and good quality; High system resolution; The molding accuracy is high, the accuracy is about 0.1mm;


Application fields: complex design, cultural creativity, high-precision model, industrial hand plate;

    Sample picture:


SLA photosensitive resin 微信图片_20220819114717

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